Contract Management
Self Assessment

Curious about how your contract management measure up? Answer 11 questions and get a snapshot of your current state. The results will be presented in a benchmark report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses paired with advice on how you can improve.


This is an overall self-evaluation that will give you an insight into how your contract management works compared to best practice and compared to other organizations’ contract management. Effective contract management creates order and order in the organization, which provides a number of advantages such as:

  • Improved cost control
  • Saves valuable time
  • Reduces risks in the business
  • Ensures regulatory compliance and minimizes legal disputes
  • Increases quality for you as a contracting party

By doing the evaluation, you will get answers to how you perform, while at the same time you will get a better understanding of what effective contract management means. The evaluation is divided into three areas with 3–5 sub-questions per area. The self-evaluation comprises three sections:

  1. Management control
  2. Guidelines
  3. Tools

In total, there are 11 questions that take about 5 minutes to complete and when these are answered, a report is compiled in PDF format with the results of the evaluation. The answers indicate the degree of maturity of your organization and can be used to initiate projects to improve contract management in the company step by step.

The results are divided into a low, medium and high scale and comparison is made with an index for how other companies are doing and indicates how other companies solved their problems. Many who are at the beginning of improving their maturity should not be discouraged if the results are low and instead realize that many initiatives are feasible with reasonable effort. For example, many IT tools can contribute to achieving significant improvements and profits in a short time and easily.